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Getting started

Using via Docker


Docker images are available at clovergrp/tsp. The tags correspond to the version numbers, e.g. 0.15.29 or 17.0.1.

Note: Don’t use the latest tag since it is inconsistent and may point to different branches at different times.

Configuration variables

TSP supports following environment variables:

Versioning policy

Since version 17.0.0, TSP uses SemVer “major.minor.patch” version scheme (e.g. 17.0.1). In particular:

Prior to 17.0.0, the major version was zero (e.g. 0.16.34), the minor version change (0.15 → 0.16) indicated compatibility break, and both feature changes and bugfixes were indicated on the “patch” level. Since then, the leading zero was dropped and the planned 0.17.0 became 17.0.0.