Getting started
Using via Docker
Docker images are available at clovergrp/tsp
. The tags correspond to the version numbers, e.g. 0.15.29
or 17.0.1
Note: Don’t use the latest
tag since it is inconsistent and may point to different branches at different times.
Configuration variables
TSP supports following environment variables:
- may be eitherflink-local
(to run TSP in local Flink mode, no need for an external cluster) orflink-cluster
(run with external Flink).FLINK_JOBMGR_HOST
(relevant only in cluster mode) - location of external Flink job manager (IP/hostname and port respectively).FLINK_MONITORING_HOST
- the same for monitoring API (usually the same as job manager host/port).JOB_REPORTING_ENABLED
- used to enable job status reporting (to Kafka, off by default). A Boolean switch (available values are 1/0, on/off, yes/no or true/false). (Note: If the reporting is off, status messages will appear in the container logs.)JOB_REPORTING_BROKER
(relevant if the job reporting is on) - the Kafka broker location (host:port) and topic name used for reporting.
Versioning policy
Since version 17.0.0, TSP uses SemVer “major.minor.patch” version scheme (e.g. 17.0.1). In particular:
- major version change (e.g. 17 → 18) indicates that the API may be broken, and the endpoints/query body schemes might change;
- minor version change (e.g. 17.0 → 17.1) indicates new features being added without breaking API compatibility (e.g. introducing new optional parameters, adding new data source formats etc.)
- patch version change (e.g. 17.0.1 → 17.0.2) indicates only bugfixes, without adding new functionality.
Prior to 17.0.0, the major version was zero (e.g. 0.16.34), the minor version change (0.15 → 0.16) indicated compatibility break, and both feature changes and bugfixes were indicated on the “patch” level. Since then, the leading zero was dropped and the planned 0.17.0
became 17.0.0